2nd Anniversary - a year in the covid life of a recruitment consultancy

Posted 1/7/2021 by Claire Bayman

The 12 months of COVID…. The 2nd year in the life at BT&S

Well, it’s been a bit unique, hasn’t it? We certainly never expected almost the entire 2nd year to have been in one form of lockdown or another, when we celebrated our 1st year anniversary. We were just starting to open up and able to meet up at last, after a number of months working 100% remotely. We talked of starting to work in our offices from September & working at getting it ready. Oh, how we laugh in the face of our then naivety… and we all carried on working in our new ‘business as usual’ world we had become used to – at home.

So, what have we been up to since our summer BT&S ‘Olympics’ of July 2020?

We set out our stall with a year’s plan of work incentives to give ourselves a treat – even if we knew we may be banking some of these for when we could be together – but also to ensure we gave ourselves reasonable goals, as we continued into the unknown and uncertain business world that was ahead.

We ended up with a lovely hamper of goodies and dressed as Elves (as who doesn’t?) and our lovely clients helped us to raise money for both a local and national Alzheimer’s charity. We still need to go on a singing Cinema trip we ‘won’ in Q1 at some point when we are able, and we all now have some lovely flip flops, that the matching pedicure and manicure will ensure we are summer ready (if we can get away – or for the UK staycations we have planned).

Tracy’s family grew by 2, as Max and Ruby joined the menagerie we already have with: Theo & Ouzo, Janes’ cheeky rabbits and Noodle and Ninja, the hell raisers of the Bayman household. We also grew an extra head and called it Sarah Costin. Another lovely person remotely onboarded. This year however, we did manage to celebrate both Sarah and Jane joining us by a lovely meal at the Ivy in Manchester, a small slice of normality coming back into our lives.

So, what does it look like in numbers, as we draw to the end of our 2nd year in business:

  • Increased in personnel by 25%
  • Increased in sales by 41%
  • Increased in animals by 40%
  • Increased the number of placements by 30%

And what does it look like as a Team?

We are incredibly lucky that we genuinely work as a Team. This is the thing that makes us successful.

When someone asks what distinguishes us from other recruiters, there are a lot of values and hard work that contributes to the experience our clients and candidates receive, but the key to this is the genuine Team spirit, warmth and friendship that makes BT&S work and succeed as a business.

Here’s to Year 3 – we can’t wait to see what we can do together and with our clients and candidates, past, present and future.

#celebrating #anniversary #onwardsandupwards #baymantoppingsmythe




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