It's all about Ali

It's all about Ali

When I finally got to meet Ali Atkinson (even though I had heard so much about her) it was good to finally put a face to a name. Ali was running her own company (Atkinson Resourcing) at the time, and ... read more...

The Beauty of Boutiques in a Candidate led Market

The Beauty of Boutiques in a Candidate led Market

So, August came and went. In the recruitment world it' normally a time of calm, a chance to recharge the batteries and be ready for the peak season of recruitment which normally kicks in after the sch... read more...

Mel's first few months......

Mel's first few months......

It is now just under 3 months since I joined BAS and how quickly those few months have gone, it’s been like a whirlwind. I can’t even imagine now not having always been part of the furniture. read more...

It's all about Claire

It's all about Claire

So I (Sarah) first met Claire in 2007 when I joined Hays as a Trainee. Within a week of listening to her talk to her colleagues, candidates, and clients, I knew that anything Claire didn’t know about ... read more...

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