November – V2.020

When I knew I was writing November’s Blog – the beginning of the full UK lockdown V2.0, I thought, what will there to be to write about? However – as we are glass half full kind of gals, I am reflect... read more...

It's good to laugh....

So, I don’t know if anyone else is feeling like this but how did it go from being March to suddenly being November on Monday? The seasonal shift has definitely taken place and long Summer nights have ... read more...

Year 2, Q1, halfway through the COVID Year...

As we come to the end of our 1 st Quarter of our 2 nd year – and we are still working in the continued lockdown due to the COVID Pandemic, not really what we thought in March when it first kicked in. ... read more...

BT&S New Year - what's next?

When we started our new venture last year – we spent a lot of time planning and the one thing that we know in hindsight was missing from our SWAT analysis was a Global Pandemic. However, we are very m... read more...

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